As scary as the word test sounds, psychometric assessments are one of the best tools the world of psychology has produced. Psychological assessments are the most standardized, reliable and dependable form of testing. They are not tools to judge a person or show them down, they are tools of analysis. Psychological tests are used for measuring various aspects such as aptitude, personality, interest, intelligence, traits, abilities and many more such attributes. Kaplan and Saccuzzo (2001) have opined “A psychological test or educational test is a set of items designed to measure characteristics of human beings that pertain to behavior”.

The various psychological assessments are used to test aptitude, interest, orientation style, personality, emotional quotient and many more.

These assessments are a very useful tool for introspection for a career selection and choosing the right education path. These tests give detailed feedback to the individual regarding the level of ability being assessed. They undoubtedly bring a change in the desired direction and mold an individual’s educational path for betterment.

When one is asked to take any psychological assessment always remember to ask these 5 questions:-

  1.     Is the test a standardized one?

        – Standardized tests mean that it is free of any bias

  1.     How reliable is the test?

         – Reliability means that a test should produce consistent scores

  1.     How valid is the test?

         – Validity refers to whether the test measures what it claims to measure

  1.     Is it based on the Indian norms or any other norms that are important?

         – Based on Indian norms means that the test has been standardized on the Indian population.  

  1.     What is the objective of taking the test and how would the outcome benefit you?

         – Before taking any assessment, always ask yourself what is the objective behind it and how will the test results help you.

Every good psychological assessment always has 5 major parameters that are objectivity, reliability, validity, norms and practicability.



The psychological assessment at EduPrism Consultancy, a career and education consultancy, evaluates 5 major dimensions which are

  1. Orientation style
  2. Interests,
  3. Aptitude,
  4. Personality and
  5. Emotional intelligence (EQ). 








The multidimensional test generates a report which would be completely based on the answers marked by the individual without any bias involved. It would be a detailed report which is 30 to 35 pages long that would have a complete analysis based on the 5 major dimensions. This report will be quantitative in nature and provide exact scoring of over 50 attributes. 

The report also provides a developmental plan which helps the student to work on their weakness under the special vigilance of EduPrism’s psychologist.